sam anthem
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sam anthem
 selected work
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a project about banned/challenged books; performance and research; wearable with microcontroller movement-to-sound technology
“What’s Inside”audiovisual performance projecting real MRI images of my body onto and beside it, enacting and inviting fabulation of medical images 
“Together We Share”
 a performance for a crowd
“Lessons from an Elm”
interactive site-specific installation w/ a history-rich American Elm Tree
“Botanical Telephone Line”
interactive installation playing with biosonificatory expectations
“This is a Guitar”
interactive found wood sound sculpture  
Steel Pipe Woodwinds
instrument construction, performances with electronics
“Improvisations with Philodendron”
iterative art/research project about human-houseplant relations, philodendron, and biosonification technology

Together We Share

“Together We Share” is a performance for a crowd; featuring chance, vulnerability, and a chorus of voices. Various cards with differing scripts and instructions, some inquiring into the reader’s relationship to food or machines; others inviting them to speak aloud their secrets, make noise, or gossip.

First performed April 14, 2024 at AIRMW, Chicago; for Waveforms S24; with 16 card variations, and ~fifty participants.

Video Documentation (link):