sam anthem • about
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Sam Anthem is a Chicago-based interdisciplinary sound, performance, and media artist who seeks to illuminate, turn upside down, and animate naturalized status quos. Weaving conceptual threads across archives, bodies, species, and sociality, their work addresses knowledge systems and material relationships through sonic, technological, and performative encounters.
Sam strives to navigate both art and life with dual perspectives of fool and guest: a fool because they doubt and eschew status quo knowing; a guest because they walk on land and move through space that they never consider their own. Accordingly, as an artist who unclaims their materials and surroundings, they dedicate themself to platforming agencies of technologies, affects, collaborators, non-human species, and inanimate things.
Sam graduated from Columbia University with a BA in English & Comparative Literature and a Special Concentration in Gender & Sexuality Studies. They are currently a candidate for a MFA in Studio Art, with a concentration in Sound and Art & Tech, at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Current research interests include: multispecies engagement, decolonial ecology, biosonification, houseplants, medical imaging, banned books, cultural imaginaries, the moving body, archives, queerness, acoustic ecology, and instrument (de)construction.
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email: samanthem.x (at) gmail (dot) com
instagram: @samanthem.x